Dividend yield at any time measures how much cash flow you as investors are getting for every Naira invested in an equity. It also tells what percentage return a company pays out in form of dividend. This is one of the main factors you need to consider when investing in dividend paying stocks, as higher dividend yield has been considered as desirable among income investors today.  NSE dividend yield has recently continued to increase as a result of persistent free fall of equity prices on the exchange. The down market has boosted yield, especially in the financial sector and other sectors of the market. The banks and other financial services providers are the power houses of any economy growth, just as they are intermediaries and agents of development. For investors interested in buying high dividend paying stocks with yield above the prevailing inflation and minimum interest rate (MPR) should see the table below for companies that have seen the biggest jumps in yield over the period. Dividend investing have become necessary in this prolonged bear market that has been characterized with decline of equity price. This has eroded investors’ capital and confidence in the economy as a result of falling macro-economic indices and lack of clear economic policies from the government.

Let the current earnings per share and the yield percentage guide you as you study the numbers in the table. For companies with December as it year end, third quarter 2015 EPS is the latest and current earnings.



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