1. How to spot market tops and bottoms like a pro
2. The difference between a true move and a false one
3. Techniques for trading tops and bottoms with precision
4. Key support and resistance points
5. Trading signals covering most asset classes
6. Specific market opportunities with target price range
7. The unusual chart pattern within a select group of stocks that holds the key to fast profits
8. The stock market secret once known only to traders and hedge fund managers
9. How to trade to earn extra cash
10. Plus – one on one provision of expert insight to what is happening in the market
Can’t attend the seminar?…You can order for the course material CLICK HERE TO ORDER
Venue of the Seminar: Blumy Guest House, 51/53, 3rd Avenue, Behind MTN Office, Gwarinpa Estate Abuja-Nigeria.
Time: 11am-2pm
Course material is available at the venue for just #20,000
Hello Dear Investor or Trader, Does This Describe Your Investing or Trading Style?
I stay with losses for way too long yet cut my winners way too soon.
I can’t easily figure out what to trade in any market environment.
I have trouble deciding whether I should day trade, swing trade or invest for the long term.
I have no clear measure for risk or really know when to take a profit, cut loss and buy before the market notice the opportunity. .
If one or more of those statements describe how you feel about trading or investing, you’re not alone. Trading is not easy, especially if you’ve not found a good source of trading/ investing education, which we are bring to you.
However, all of those frustrations listed above can be avoided when you understand the dynamics of the stock market which entails changes in the market structure, regulatory and behavior of market forces (Demand/Bid and Supply/Offer). This behavioral aspect of stock market determines general market direction and price movements of individual equities.
All these will be discussed and materials for study will equally be made available at the event.
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